Sex Life Education

A great book to talk to young people about sexuality, work life and cyberbullying

How to talk to young people about sexuality? How to approach conversations about the most difficult decisions of adolescence? What does it mean for young people to think about the labor market? How can we reflect on complex issues like cyberbullying with teenagers? There is a perfect book for this: Decidir y no fallar en el intento (To Decide and not to Fail in the Attempt).

At Click+Clack we wanted to create this book for younger kids. Although it provides no answers, this book seeks to be a tool so that boys and girls, 12 years and older, make better decisions about their life project, their role as citizens, their social emotional health, and their sexual and reproductive health. Through funny stories, colloquial language, activities, stickers, audios, and songs, this four-chapter book allows teens to reflect on the decision-making and complex situations during this stage of life.

Teenage pregnancy, life projects, sexting, cyberbullying, contraceptive methods, the role of mothers and fathers, the role of schools in sex education, work decisions and other issues, are some of the topics addressed in Decidir y no fallar en el intento (To Decide and not to Fail in the Attempt).

Do you have children or teenage students? This book is for you! Get it in our ONLINE STORE.